Articles > August 2010
August 2010

War Vets Support Controversial "Mosque" Project
In a letter of support for the First Amendment, veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars have sent an open letter to the organizers of Park51 Community Center in lower Manhattan describing the effort as being "about as pro-America as one can get." Park51 is the new name of the community center, which would, in addition to athletic and cultural facilities, house a prayer room for Muslim users of the center.

Cuban Writer Leonardo Padura Announces New Film Project
Editor's note: See the Political Affairs interview with Padura here.

GOP Senate Candidate Dino Rossi's Corruption Problems and More
For his shady business dealings and efforts to bypass campaign laws, Republican Senate candidate from Washington state, Dino Rossi, has been listed as one of 12 "crooked candidates" in 2010 by the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW). According to CREW research, Rossi's relationship with lobbyists David and Richard Ducharme and real estate mogul Michael Mastro deserves investigation.

Clear Choice in Michigan Gov. Race: Snyder the Outsourcer vs. Bernero the Fighter
Grand Rapids, Mich.

Pentagon's Distortion on China's Military
Original source: Global Times (China) The Pentagon's annual report on the strength of China's military 2010 contained very little surprising material.
Labor Launches Campaign to Mobilize Unemployed Voters
Original source: Working America Working America Unveils Campaign to Organize & Mobilize Unemployed Voters August 18, 2010 (Washington, DC, Aug. 18) Working America is launching a campaign that will organize & mobilize hundreds of thousands of unemployed workers across the nation for the November elections.

Protecting Social Security: Let’s Tell The Deficit Commission Not to Slash Entitlements
Original source: Earlier today [Aug. 18, 2010] I sent a letter to the White House, signed by myself and Congressional Progressive Caucus co-chair Lynn Woolsey, making it clear that we will stand against any potential cuts to Social Security benefits.

One Nation Working Together – March on Washington
Original source: United for Peace and Justice UFPJ 2010 Fall Call to Action: Peace, Jobs and Justice Now! August 28th - Washington DC and Detroit! Oct. 2nd - One Nation Movement, Washington DC This fall movements for peace and justice will have unprecedented opportunities to support and build on one another's work while highlighting one of the root causes of all of our struggles – war.
Don't Deport Ivan Nikolov
Detained for more than three months and held by federal immigration officials, he waits for imminent deportation to a country he has not called his home since he was 11. His name is Ivan Nikolov, 21, and his case has garnered the attention of immigration reform activists and local community leaders in his hometown of Roseville, Michigan, a suburb of Detroit.

Obama Administration Slams GOP Obstruction, Unveils Broadband Projects
An Obama administration official slammed Republican roadblocks to economic recovery as Vice President Joe Biden, this week, announced recovery act-funded investments in 94 broadband projects.