Articles > August 2010
August 2010

Clear Choice in Michigan Gov. Race: Snyder the Outsourcer vs. Bernero the Fighter
Grand Rapids, Mich.
Labor Launches Campaign to Mobilize Unemployed Voters
Original source: Working America Working America Unveils Campaign to Organize & Mobilize Unemployed Voters August 18, 2010 (Washington, DC, Aug. 18) Working America is launching a campaign that will organize & mobilize hundreds of thousands of unemployed workers across the nation for the November elections.

One Nation Working Together – March on Washington
Original source: United for Peace and Justice UFPJ 2010 Fall Call to Action: Peace, Jobs and Justice Now! August 28th - Washington DC and Detroit! Oct. 2nd - One Nation Movement, Washington DC This fall movements for peace and justice will have unprecedented opportunities to support and build on one another's work while highlighting one of the root causes of all of our struggles – war.

Blue-Green Alliance Launches Campaign for Clean Energy Jobs
A coalition of labor unions and environmental organizations announced the launch of a new campaign this week to overcome Republican roadblocks in the Senate to passing climate change and clean energy jobs legislation.
Trumka Slams GOP Candidates for Killing Jobs in California
Remarks by AFL-CIO President Richard L. Trumka Paychecks Pay the Bills Rally for Jobs Los Angeles, California August 13, 2010 Thank you, Maria Elena [Durazo], for that introduction.

Congress Passes Jobs Bill, President Obama to Sign
After a party-line vote in the House of Representatives, Congress sent a new jobs bill to President Obama's desk, August 10. Obama administration officials declared the passage of the bill that provides direct aid to states to fund health care and education a "tremendous victory for America's children." The bill allocates $16 billion to fund state Medicaid programs and $10 billion for teacher and educational salaries and benefits in the 2010-2011 school year.

Once I built a railroad, now it’s done, …buddy, can you spare a dime?
This is now being called the Great Recession.