Articles > August 2010
August 2010

New York Daycare Illegally Fires Pro-union Workers
The corporation that owns the Preschool of America West End Day Care Center in New York City illegally fired several workers who voted for a union in their workplace, charges AFSCME DC 1707, the union they elected to represent them.

Support Garment Workers in Bangladesh
Take action here and speak up here Appeal to Trade Unions, Workers and All Humanitarian Organizations of the World Support Struggle of The Garment Workers of Bangladesh Original source: Communist Party of Bangladesh More than three million garments workers in Bangladesh are on strike in support of their demand for taka 5000 (US $70) as monthly basic wage, other fringe benefits trade union rights according to law and ILO convention, rights and benefits ensured by labor laws, compliance to regulations ensuring work place safety etc.

‘I Would Join a Union’
More than 70 years ago, President Franklin Roosevelt said, “If I were a worker in a factory, the first thing I would do would be to join a union.” Barack Obama recently referenced FDR’s statement and took it further:
Labor Leads Fight to Stop GOP on Nov. 2
Remarks by AFL-CIO President Richard L. Trumka, Battleground States Conference, Washington, DC August 03, 2010 Thanks for coming to D.C. I'm excited to see you, because I know you're getting fired up to go all out.