Articles > August 2010
August 2010

One Nation Working Together – March on Washington
Original source: United for Peace and Justice UFPJ 2010 Fall Call to Action: Peace, Jobs and Justice Now! August 28th - Washington DC and Detroit! Oct. 2nd - One Nation Movement, Washington DC This fall movements for peace and justice will have unprecedented opportunities to support and build on one another's work while highlighting one of the root causes of all of our struggles – war.
Still in Search of the Elusive Black Racist (ahem... it's not Shirley Sherrod)
Let the record show that those who try too hard not to offend anyone, eventually wind up offending someone.
Protestors Demand Immigrant Rights and Condemn Arizona Law
SAN FRANCISCO and OAKLAND, CA (7/29/10) -- In San Francisco and Oakland, immigrants and community activists protested Arizona's SB 1070, which would require police and local law enforcement to check the immigration status of people they suspect might be undocumented, on the day the law took effect.