

Ward Churchill’s Roosting Chickens

Ward Churchill has some opinions that differ from the usual yahoo unquestioning jingoism of the crypto-fascist Bush supporters, and he thought he had the right to express them.

Making Poverty History

The full text of Nelson Mandela's speech in London's Trafalgar Square for the campaign to end poverty in the developing world.

IMF/World Bank Praise Iran's Privatization Efforts

Once again the two powerful organizations of global capitalism have applauded and praised the Islamic regime for the detailed implementation of their demands.

US-backed Haitian Coup Regime Goes After Political Opponents

Haitian police and foreign troops invade the homes of anti-coup political activists in order to suppress opposition to the US-backed regime.

The “Miracle” of Cuba; Chavez Proposed for the 2005 Nobel Peace Prize

Cuba continues to be a beacon to the world because of its advanced health care system. Chávez of Venezuela proposed for Nobel Prize.

Pentagon's Abuses at Guantanamo Cause Major Trauma

The Pentagon is holding dozens of mentally ill prisoners affected by traumas resulting from maltreatment, abuse and torture suffered at the hands of their interrogators on the Guantánamo base.

Seven social problems hinder China

Unlike the bush administration, the Chinese government accepts that certain economic and social problems have arisen recently. Also, unlike Bush, China is willing to adopt policies that will reverse these rpoblems.

Haitian Elections Called; Missile Discovery Stirs up Trouble for Nicaragua

Local and national elections are scheduled for October and November this year in Haitia. Missile discovery stirs up tension between Bush and Nicaraguan government.

No one can secure 'freedom' by destroying peace

An overuse of the word 'freedom' in U.S. President George W. Bush's inaugural speech for his second term drew a lot of media attention.

World Social Forum Delegates Demand Better World

Delegates at the World Social Forum issued 12 proposals to achieve a better world, while President Chávez of Venezuela promotes an alternative to FTAA.

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