

President Bush, market opportunity and personal responsibility

Is the market really our best hope for the future? President Bush’s plan for Social Security suggests so. In fact for him, personally investing in the stock exchange is a virtue.


Bush’s Budget is at Odds With His Rhetoric

President Bush submitted a $2.57 trillion budget to Congress which eliminates or drastically cuts 150 governmental programs.

Chile's Privatized Pensions Spell Disaster

The Chilean experience shows that Social Security privatization is only part of a wider scheme of neoliberal economic policies that seek to shore up corporate profits while reversing gains won by the working class.

Bush Team Tried to Suppress Pre-9/11 Report Into al-Qa'ida

Federal officials were repeatedly warned in the months before the 11 September 2001 terror attacks that Osama bin Laden and al-Qa'ida were planning aircraft hijackings and suicide attacks, according to a new report that the Bush administration has been suppressing.

Wal-Mart Closes Store to Avoid Union

To avoid negotiating with its workers over decent pay and benefits, Wal-Mart closes Canadian store whose workers voted to join the UFCW.


The Macabre Death of Hadi Saleh

I had few tombs in my memory in exile; upon my return to Baghdad, they developed into a massive cemetery. The last new grave was that of my friend and colleague, the unionist, Hadi Saleh.

Trade Imbalance Grows Sharply

The U.S. Department of Commerce today reported that the merchandise trade deficit reached a record level of $666.2 billion in the 2004, a 21.7% increase since 2003.

Bush to Make Deep Education Cuts, Pell Grants

The Bush administration wants to pay for tax cuts for the rich and for endless war by taking away Pell Grants and limiting access to higher education

Labor Unions Condemn Murder of Teamster

The Teamsters and the AFL-CIO demand a credible and transparent investigation of the murder of Teamster José Gilberto Soto.

Iraq War Veteran Explains Opposition to War

Having watched and observed life from the standpoint of a soldier for ten years of my life, I always felt there was no higher honor than to serve my country.

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