Why Social Security Privatization Would Hurt Women More than Men
Largely the work of Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins, Social Security has, more than any other program, kept older and widowed or disabled Americans out of poverty.

Fed chief says privatize Social Security to boost class equity
Greenspan backs Bush’s plan for Social Security privatization, but will this bring about 'class equity?' His record on what 'class equity' is is questionable.

Capitalism Gone Mad: On Science and Democracy
At the national meeting last weekend of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, speaker after speaker condemned the Bush administration for reducing funding for both basic research and science information.
Bush Budget is Painful for Low-Income Americans
From veterans to impoverished children, college students and vulnerable senior citizens, the $2.57 trillion Bush administration budget for 2006 misses no opportunity to do harm.

'Free' Market Ideologues Favor Tyranny of Profit
Melchior Palyi, Chicago School economist, whose writings connecting the 'welfare state' to 'totalitarianism' were used as part of the campaign against comprehensive national health insurance.
Bush's New Defense Budget
When the Bush administration released its budget for 2006, the news media, as usual, had a tough time in making sense of the government’s proposals for defense spending.

Social Security and Bush's War Budget
With Bush propagandizing about the fiscal 'crisis' of Social Security and his critics on the left and right pointing to a bloated $600 billion budget deficit, it is time to look at where all the money went.

Bush is Out to Unravel the New Deal
The Social Security Act was passed in 1935 in the midst of a vast increase in labor organizing and militancy leading to the formation of the CIO, the great sit down strikes, the organization of millions of new workers.

Dispelling Myths About Socialized Medicine
Systems of socialized medicine are as good as the level of economic development within a society and the political forces which guide the development of the system make them.

Study of Depleted Uranium Effects Called For
Munitions used by US troops on a massive scale in the Iraq war may be injuring US soldiers. According to Veterans for Peace depleted uranium (DU), a substance used in bullets and artillery shells, may be harmful to anyone exposed to it.