Indentured Servants: Bush's New Cabinet
President Bush pre-set the tone for his supposed mandate with his selection of Porter Goss to the non-cabinet position of CIA Director.

The Digital Watch Effect and the Loss of American Democracy
Last week, Time magazine reported that 36% of American High School students believe that newspapers should have government approval before publishing stories.
The Right to Vote in Cuba
While election irregularities in Ohio marred the US election last November and the voter registration system itself discourgaes participation, Cuba's political system guarantees voting rights to every citizen.

Capitalism Gone Mad: Who's Your Commie Now?
A New York Times columnist recently wrote about the right-wing crusade against Clint Eastwood and his new movie, Million Dollar Baby. Clint a Commie?
Mike Farrell Urges California to Declare Moratorium on Executions
While all other Western nations have abolished the “outdated, immoral and illegal” practice of Capital Punishment, the U.S continues executing people.