

Dispelling Myths About Socialized Medicine

Systems of socialized medicine are as good as the level of economic development within a society and the political forces which guide the development of the system make them.


Study of Depleted Uranium Effects Called For

Munitions used by US troops on a massive scale in the Iraq war may be injuring US soldiers. According to Veterans for Peace depleted uranium (DU), a substance used in bullets and artillery shells, may be harmful to anyone exposed to it.

The Lion and the Goat: Chávez vs. Bush

Presiden Hugo Chavez of Venezuela has led an international movement of building close ties with countries that have longthreatened US hegemony.

Terror and torture: evidence continues to surface

More and more detail is flooding out about the torture of victims by US, Australian and British authorities caught up in the dirty war against Iraq.

The Right to Vote in Cuba

While election irregularities in Ohio marred the US election last November and the voter registration system itself discourgaes participation, Cuba's political system guarantees voting rights to every citizen.


4 Common-sense Ways to Strengthen Social Security (that Bush won’t listen to)

In a press conference last week, President Bush claimed that he would listen to 'any good idea' for protecting Social Security.


Capitalism Gone Mad: It's Harmful to Your Health

Despite vast national wealth, people in america go bankrupt because they can't afford spiraling health care costs.


The Immoral Clarity of Natan Sharansky

Roger Cohen of The New York Times recently reviewed The Case for Democracy: The Power of Freedom to Overcome Tyranny and Terror by Natan Sharansky.

Now that Iraq's election is over, end the occupation

The Jan. 30 election in Iraq was an important event in the political life of Iraqis and in the struggle to end the occupation of the country.

The Royal Coup D’etat In Nepal

FEBRUARY 1, 2005 has seen yet another coup d’état in Nepal. The coup was led and orchestrated by none other than the king of Nepal. 

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