Articles > January
Venezuela Continued Progress in Human Rights Throughout 2010
Historic turnout in legislative elections, region-leading drops in poverty and inequality, steady progress towards achieving Millennium Development Goals.

State of the Union: Unnamable Politics and Useful Idiots
“For decades, Egypt’s authoritarian president, Hosni Mubarak, played a clever game with his political opponents.
Shouldering Our Burdens
In “Living in an Era of Change,” C. J. Atkins makes a disarmingly gentle, yet muddled case for name change.

Comcast Behind Olbermann Firing?
Media AdvisoryOlbermann Is OutMSNBC host's departure shows the limits of corporate media liberalism1/24/11

Hold Yourself Personally Accountable
“It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions.” -- Sarah Palin, video message, Jaunary 12th, 2011 “So yes, we must examine all the facts behind this tragedy.” -- Pres.

President Chavez Charts Conciliatory Course
President Chávez Announced Decision to Cut Short Enabling Law During Speech to National Assembly
The "Party of No" Says No to Your Healthcare (but not theirs)
Did your representative vote to repeal health reform this week? Do they continue to enjoy the benefits of the government-run federal health insurance plan that health reform was modeled on? Are they refusing to cancel these benefits?

America's Choices: Why the Conventional Wisdom Is Wrong
Good morning and thank you. I'm honored to stand beside firefighter Stan Trojanowski, who responded to a 9-1-1 call from the World Trade Center moments after the terrorist attacks in 2001.
Solidarity Forever: Labor Takes on the Right
Editor's note: The folowing is excerpted from a speech delivered this week by AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka to national delegates meeting of the United Autoworkers.