Articles > January
Venezuela Continued Progress in Human Rights Throughout 2010
Historic turnout in legislative elections, region-leading drops in poverty and inequality, steady progress towards achieving Millennium Development Goals.
Students Organize Protest at Bank of America Tower
Original source: The Atlanta Progressive News

State of the Union: Unnamable Politics and Useful Idiots
“For decades, Egypt’s authoritarian president, Hosni Mubarak, played a clever game with his political opponents.
China: 57 Million Jobs Created Between 2006 and 2010
Original source: China Wire
Climate Change: Developed Countries Put World at Risk
Original source: The Guardian

Coal Operators Organize Rally for Mountain Top Removal in Charleston, WV
The Environmental Protection Agency has vetoed the permit for the Logan County, WV Spruce Number One mine – a symbol of the debate over mountain top removal mining that has been embroiled in litigation since 1998.In the wake of the defeat of significant carbon reduction by Republican filibusters of the energy bill last session, the Environmental Protection Agency has become more aggressive on doing something about climate change dangers posed by, among other culprits, carbon polluting coal.
Japan: 2011 Spring Union Struggles Begin
Original source: Japan Press Weekly

Renew Tax Credit for Energy Efficiency
EarthTalk® From the Editors of E/The Environmental Magazine Dear EarthTalk: A number of federal energy efficiency related tax incentives expired at the end of 2010.

America's Choices: Why the Conventional Wisdom Is Wrong
Good morning and thank you. I'm honored to stand beside firefighter Stan Trojanowski, who responded to a 9-1-1 call from the World Trade Center moments after the terrorist attacks in 2001.
Solidarity Forever: Labor Takes on the Right
Editor's note: The folowing is excerpted from a speech delivered this week by AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka to national delegates meeting of the United Autoworkers.