Articles > January
Vermont Single-payer Proposals a ‘major step in right direction’
MONTPELIER, Vt. – Longtime reform advocate and Vermont family physician Dr. Deborah Richter hailed Wednesday’s report of health system expert William Hsiao to the Vermont Legislature, particularly Hsiao’s findings that a single-payer system would be the best remedy for what he called the state’s “broken” and “unsustainable” way of paying for care.
The "Party of No" Says No to Your Healthcare (but not theirs)
Did your representative vote to repeal health reform this week? Do they continue to enjoy the benefits of the government-run federal health insurance plan that health reform was modeled on? Are they refusing to cancel these benefits?

Republicans Want to Repeal Your Healthcare
A Republican Party attempt to repeal health reform would put as many as 129 million Americans in jeopardy of being denied health insurance coverage, says a new report from the Department of Health and Human Services.

GOP Repeal of Health Reform Would Take Away Benefits Americans Already Have
Repeal of Health Reform Top Priority on Republican AgendaOn the campaign trail Republicans pledged to do away with the historic health reform legislation passed last March, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. With a new majority in the House and control of the legislative calendar in that chamber, one of their first orders of business in the 112th Congress was scheduling a vote to repeal the legislation.