4-21-05, 8:40 am
From Solidarity Network
Incirlik Base has been a trouble for Turkey. This base has been a jumping board for both NATO and the USA. This base has also been a center for the anti-popular character and missions of the rule of capital in Turkey. Only the capitalist class can ask a foreign country to bring and deploy its nuclear weapons to be used against the people in its own country if necessary. Like any other weapons, nuclear weapons in Incirlik are kept ready not only to attack the peoples of Middle East, but also the workers in Turkey. Working class of Turkey, its party TKP (Communist Party of Turkey), is demanding the disarmament of Incirlik.
In this sense, the problem cannot be reduced to the 'supervision by Turkish officers' or 'permission by the Turkish government. What are the Turkish officers going to supervise? How can an organization, whose primary concern has been getting top positions in the NATO projects and USA's plans for a long time, defend the country's interests? Again, it is none of our concern that the government of capitalists wants to check on the acts of the USA. In the formulas developed by Prime Minister Erdogan and his friends, it is possible to see some points, which aim to soften possible reactions. However, that the USA notifies Turkish government and military authorities doesn't have a practical reality. This is all cheating. After all, saying 'let the parliament to discuss that' doesn't mean anything but supporting CHP's, the opposition party's, attempt to be part of the game. In summary, the legal status of Incirlik doesn't bear importance anymore. Working class of Turkey, its party TKP demands that Incirlik shall be closed at once. Of course, the problem doesn't consist of Incirlik. Today, there is not a single military base, which is not open to NATO and the USA. The demand for Incirlik to be closed doesn't mean the acceptance of this situation. On the contrary, the closing of Incirlik would be a challenge by the working class of Turkey against the treason and collaboration of capitalists and against imperialism. The revolution in Turkey will also be the process of purification of our country from imperialism. Working class of Turkey, its party TKP, is struggling for the purification of Incirlik from imperialism.
The response to usual accusations like that the closing of a military base will endanger the 'country's security' is clear. Whose security? The security of local and foreign monopolies, which possess the most important institutions of our country? The security of a handful of people, who live in extravagance through the poverty of tens of millions? The security of gangs, murderers and drug dealers? The security of IMF collectors? Whose security? If these are not the country's security, and they are obviously not, then Incirlik is clearly threatening the country's security. Incirlik not only threatens our people's security, but also the security of Palestinians, Iraqis and Iranians. Working class of Turkey, its party TKP, want to hinder Incirlik from being an element of threat.
Sooner or later, working class of Turkey will take the power. And then, if it is necessary for the defense of an honorable and independent country, the revolutionary power, its revolutionary armed forces will turn Incirlik once again into a military base. But now, on our agenda is the closing of a base, which symbolizes the dependency of Turkey. Incirlik must be closed.