Pentagon Private Accounts
I have the key to this crucial shift in public policy that involves a change in U.S. defense spending. Patriotically, I follow in President Bush’s footsteps as he pitches to save Social Security with personal accounts replacing part of the current payroll

Straight Outta High School: Jermaine O’Neal, Race, and the NBA Age Limit
As part of the “No Child Left Behind Act”, high schools are required under penalty of law to hand over student phone lists to U.S. military recruiters.

Bush Back-tracking on Darfur Crisis to Sidestep ICC
Government-sponsored genocide and a government-engineered humanitarian crisis continue in the Darfur region of the Sudan, says Africa Action, a US based organization that promotes peace, equality, and justice for Africa.

Bush's Iraq Occupation isn't Liberation
GEORGE W Bush's refusal to countenance withdrawal of occupation troops from Iraq until the security situation improves is a classic case of putting the cart before the horse.

The Role of Asia, Africa, and Latin America in the 21st century
Japanese Communist Party Central Committee Chair Fuwa Tetsuzo on April 9 spoke on the history, present conditions, and outlook for the future of Asia, Africa, and Latin America.

Tortured Guantanamo Prisoner Suffers Facial Paralysis
THE US jailers in Guantánamo Bay beat a Bosnian detainee so badly that he suffered facial paralysis, and stuck his head in a toilet, flushing repeatedly until he almost drowned.
Bush and Big Business Push CAFTA with 'China Card'
The Bush administration and at least one business owner are warning U.S. jobs would migrate to very low-paying Chinese firms, unless Congress approves the controversial Central American Free Trade Agreement.

US Lacks Moral Authority on Human Rights
'The US has no moral authority to condemn Cuba on human rights issues,' reads a recent editorial in Britain’s The Guardian.

Out of Control CEO Pay Threatens Workers’ Financial Picture
In times of continuing layoffs and stagnant job growth, when real wages have slipped year after year and corporations tell workers they have to give back more and more of their health benefits, take a little cut in the pay, and work a few extra hours, we find one group of people who seem to be doing just fine – CEOs.

To Defend DeLay, GOP Provokes House Ethics Crisis
The House of Representatives will devolve into a free for all of ethics violations and corruption if its current state without a functioning ethics oversight body is allowed to continue.