Social Security: Bush and GOP Offer only Privatization or Benefit Cuts
During his prime time news conference Thursday evening, President Bush offered a new twist to his Social Security privatization plan. Using the term 'sliding scale,' Bush unveiled new rhetorical euphemisms for cutting benefits.

Social Security and Iraq War: Bush's Public Relations is Falling Apart
Do Bush's handlers believe that DeLay's slumping 38 percent approval rating combined with Bush's 43 percent approval adds up to 81?

Surprise Guest at Social Security Rally: An Opposition Party
James Roosevelt stood on a large outdoor stage on Tuesday in a Washington, D.C., park filled with union members waving signs about Social Security. 'Every American,' he said, 'deserves what my grandfather, Franklin Delano Roosevelt laid out for them.'

Harvesting Hatred: Anti-Immigrant Racism Today
A recurring theme in US history has been periodic anti-foreign frenzy. We are now in the throes of one of these episodes, with Mexican and other Latin American immigrants being portrayed by the ultra right as the most terrifying “alien” threat.

Equal Pay Now
When George W. Bush campaigned for election in 2000, he said he believed that women ought to receive equal pay for equal work.

Condoleezza Rice Orders Scrapping Terrorism Report
The terrorism card was a political maneuver by the Bush administration to scare just enough people to win reelection in November.

Pentagon Private Accounts
I have the key to this crucial shift in public policy that involves a change in U.S. defense spending. Patriotically, I follow in President Bush’s footsteps as he pitches to save Social Security with personal accounts replacing part of the current payroll

Young Workers and Social Security
These are tough time for many younger workers in the U.S. Real wages, what they can actually buy with their pay, are falling.
Reject Anti-Immigrant, Pro-war Appropriations Bill
When the House of Representatives passed the $81 billion war appropriations bill last month, they slipped in an attachment called REAL ID.

Why the Media Can't Read the Bankruptcy Bill
The most remarkable thing about the bankruptcy bill (which has now been postponed in the House until next week) is something that the corporate media is incapable of reporting on.