Palestine: PLC Calls on World Parliaments Pressure Israel to Stop Building Apartheid Wall
The Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) called on all friendly parliaments to exert pressure on the Israeli government and its parliament (the Knesset) to cease the construction of the Apartheid Wall, at the same times as Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon ordered the acceleration of construction to wall off Jerusalem from the rest of the Palestinian population centers.
London Terror Attacks: Statement of the Communist Party, USA
The Communist Party, USA condemns the series of bomb attacks today in London. We condemn all terrorist acts targeting civilians with violence, whether conducted by individuals, governments or groups.
Sudan: Atrocities Continue as Leaders Talk
'Are we going to repeat what happened in Rwanda?' asked UN Secretary-General Annan in a recent BCC documentary (July 3, 2005). Annan posed the question again: 'Is [Darfur] going to be another Rwanda?' Asked about how history 'would judge the international response [to Darfur],' Annan said: 'Quite likely that we were slow, hesitant, uncaring, and that we have learned nothing from Rwanda.'
Australia: Wave of protests to defend trade union rights
Seven hundred people braved rising flood waters in Lismore, southern NSW, to join more than 100,000 across the state. Although their city had been declared a disaster zone, people battled to several venues to hear about the campaign on a Sky Channel broadcast that linked 220 venues on Friday July 1.
Africa Demands a Permanent Seat at UN Security Council
African Heads of State and Governments are winding up Tuesday the 5th Ordinary African Union (AU) summit in Sirte, Libya, reaffirming their demand to have two permanent seats at the UN Security Council.
Are the Chinese more dangerous than the Japanese?
Recent Chinese attempts to buy American multinationals have been stirring up 'nationalist' worries in the United States. Economist Paul Krugman, a New York Times columnist, has just published an article that was reproduced in the Brazilian newspaper 'Folha de Sao Paulo' on June 28th, the title of which suggests that 'the Chinese are more dangerous than the Japanese.'
Risking Social Security on the Dubious Success of Chile’s Economic Strategy
Once again on the road early this month to attract popular support for his plan to privatize social security, President George W. Bush has proposed a model for pension reform based in part on the formula adopted in 1981 by the regime of Chilean military dictator General Augusto Pinochet.
ANC National General Council – an important turning point
3000 delegates, including delegations from the SACP and COSATU, gathered together for the ANC’s second NGC between 29 June and 3 July 2005 in Tshwane. For the delegates, and indeed for the commentators in the public media, there was no doubt that this marked a very decisive moment in the ongoing South African transition.
Costa Rica’s Continued Fall from Grace
On June 1, Costa Rican President Abel Pacheco agreed to a parliamentary inquiry into the funding of his 2002 presidential campaign, his travel records and his business contacts. Now the fourth president in a row to be implicated in a string of government corruption scandals, Pacheco hitherto has been a strong advocate for the official investigation of dishonest practices.
Will the G8 debt write off help Africa?
On 12 June Gordon Brown announced that he had persuaded the G8 leaders to cancel £32 billion of debt for twenty seven of the world’s poorest nations. BUT what does it say in the small print?