Moreno May Have to Reinvent Himself as the New IDB President
On Wednesday, the Board of Governors of the International Development Bank (IDB) elected their new president. As predicted, Luis Alberto Moreno, the present Colombian ambassador to the United States, won the position, beating out the most highly qualified candidate, Brazilian Joao Sayad, the current Vice President of Finance and Management at the IDB, as well as Peruvian Finance Minister Pedro-Pablo Kuczynski.
US military lawyers’ warnings against torture ignored
Senior US military lawyers had strongly opposed the harsh interrogation methods against foreign terror suspects in 2003, but their voices were neglected by the US government, according to newly declassified documents. Rather than listening carefully to the lawyers’ opinions, President Bush had authority to order excessive interrogations of prisoners at the US naval base of Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
Cuba: Far From Crisis, Economy Will Grow 9% in 2005
President Fidel Castro rejected rumors that Cuba is experiencing an economic crisis, explaining that the Cuban capacity for resistance actually allowed the economy to grow 7.3 % in the first six months, despite drought and scarce energy, and all indications show an expected 9 percent growth for the year.
India: Atrocity In Gurgaon On Honda Workers
The brutal assault by the police on the workers of the Honda Motors and Scooters in Gurgaon has shocked the country. In a systematic and premeditated fashion the police launched a savage attack on workers protesting against the illegal actions of the Honda company.

Labor in the Era of Globalization
Up until the early 1990’s the socialist camp including the Soviet Union acted somewhat as a brake on imperialism and on capitalist globalization. In addition to checking military domination and adventures, as trading partners the socialist bloc also provided the means for many developing countries to resist and/or minimize unfair trade and the penetration of foreign capital.
Editorial: Remove The Causes of Terrorism
At each new terrorist act the Australian, British and US governments use the opportunity to tighten the legislative screws directed against alleged terrorists. The latest moves include proposals to ban those holding what are said to be extreme Islamic fundamentalist views, to ban books which are said to contain incitement to terrorist acts, even to deport (to where?) those who are alleged to be preparing terrorist acts, etc.
Who’s Afraid of the Haitian Media?
One long day in Pointe Noire, on my vacation from volunteer work in the forest, the Congolese painter Trigo Piula and I sat arguing in his jumbled studio about whether there is a spiritual element to canvasses. There was little common ground to be found between us, and after debating at length he gave up on me.
Strategies for the left in the EU after the French and Dutch referendums
It is clear that the EU Constitution is dead; but that does not mean that the guardians of the interests of European monopoly capitalism have given up on their dream of complete and untrammelled power.
The Beginning of the End to a Coherent U.S. Drug Strategy
Colombian President Álvaro Uribe declared a State of Limited Emergency in his country almost immediately after taking office in 2002, which provided the backdrop for his implementation of predominantly high-handed military policies intended to solve the country’s incorrigible security problems.
JEAN Charles de Menezes lies dead today. The 27-year-old electrician was pursued onto the Tube by gun-waving police and held down on the floor of the train while five bullets were pumped into his head.