Supreme Court: Precedent for Blocking Roberts’ Confirmation
As more information about Supreme Court nominee John Roberts’ record is made available, it is increasingly clear that the Senate judiciary committee would be well within its rights to block confirmation. The White House packaged Roberts as a non-controversial, non-ideological nominee and announced its expectation of confirmation quickly, as early as next month.
Bush Stonewalls, Demands Rubber Stamp on Roberts Nomination
After revelations that Judge John Roberts misrepresented his membership and role in the extremely conservative, judicially activist Federalist Society, the White House continues to withhold key documents related to his ideological views on overturning key legal principles considered settled by most Americans.
US military lawyers’ warnings against torture ignored
Senior US military lawyers had strongly opposed the harsh interrogation methods against foreign terror suspects in 2003, but their voices were neglected by the US government, according to newly declassified documents. Rather than listening carefully to the lawyers’ opinions, President Bush had authority to order excessive interrogations of prisoners at the US naval base of Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

Feeling the Heat: Is Global Climate Change Here to Stay?
In early April I rented the video of The Day After Tomorrow, last summer’s global-warming disaster film. Its conceit was that global warming produced a global freezing. A group of young survivors decamped to the New York Public Library, where they burned books to keep warm and await their rescue, while the city was blanketed in so much ice and snow that the Statue of Liberty’s torch rose slightly above it.

Cracking the Nest Egg: The Privatization of Alaska's Retirement System
Right-wing Alaska legislators, working in conjunction with an arrogant and mean-spirited governor, have pushed through a new, privatized retirement plan for public-sector workers such as teachers and state employees. This plan is very similar to the increasingly common 401(k) plans that have been favored in the last couple of decades by corporations looking to increase profits.
Victory Over Bush’s Social Security Plan
The PR blitz of the Bush White House on the taxpayers’ dime to 'save' Social Security from running out of funds 'is on life support,' according to a recent article in the Washington Post. Who put the president’s plan there?
Supreme Court Nomination: What is Roberts Hiding?
“No person is entitled to a seat on the Supreme Court,” said Damien Goodmon, a spokesman for . “Its John Roberts’ burden to convince the Senate and the American people that his long tenure on the bench would be used to continue protecting the hard earned rights guaranteed in the constitution, not turning back the clock to a dark time without personal liberties and workplace protections. The country deserves no less.”
Supreme Court Nomination Opposition : Stop John Roberts Campaign Launched
Just one day after the President’s announcement of his nomination of Judge John Roberts to replace retiring Justice Sandra Day O’Connor on the Supreme Court, grassroots activists opposed to Roberts’ confirmation launched the Stop John Roberts campaign.
John Roberts: a 'Consensus' Nominee? Bush Misses the Mark...Again
From 'troubling' and 'concern' to outright opposition, civil rights and liberties organizations expressed immediate disapproval of President Bush’s nomination of ideologically conservative John G. Roberts to replace Sandra Day O’Connor on the high court.
Stem Cell Research: Promises and Concerns
RESEARCH on stem cells has been in the news in recent times for very contradictory reasons. On the one hand, it raises visions of a constant supply of living material that can repair and replace almost any diseased or ageing portion of the body. On the other hand, it is being attacked by the conservative establishment in the US, led by George Bush, as immoral and horrific.