South Africa’s Democracy: Deepening Class Contradictions
The Employment Equity Report, released by the South African Minister of Labor, shows the extent to which private capital is actually resisting transformation of the racial and gender demographics of middle and top management in South Africa’s companies. It shows the inherent and systemic racial character of South African capitalism. Racial and gender exclusion are not just a past legacy, they continue to be reproduced as an ongoing reality under capitalism. It is an illustration that South African capitalism has, for more than a century, relied on white male middle and top management as its most trusted 'lieutenants' for its accumulation needs.
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Against the Whole World: Bush's AIDS Policy
Bush’s AIDS policy is a killer. AIDS took the lives of 3 million people since January of 2003, the majority of whom were in Africa. Nearly half were women. Yet Bush’s spending priorities to fight HIV infections and AIDS have allocated only $350 million of the highly publicized $15 billion he promised in his 2003 State of the Union speech. More interested in pushing a far-right agenda than in saving lives, Bush is presiding over one of the worst atrocities in human history.
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Communist Party of Israel says, 'Take down this wall!'
The apartheid wall must be dismantled immediately! The CPI calls upon all supporters of peace in Israel and the world to pressure the Sharon government to immediately implement the recommendations of the International Court of Justice in Hague concerning the apartheid wall.
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The Influence of the Christian Right on U.S. Middle East Policy
In recent years a politicized and right-wing Protestant fundamentalist movement has emerged as a major factor in U.S. support for the policies of the rightist Likud government in Israel. To understand this influence, it is important to recognize that the rise of the religious right as a political force in the United States is a relatively recent phenomenon that emerged as part of a calculated strategy by leading right-wingers in the Republican Party who—while not fundamentalist Christians themselves—recognized the need to enlist the support of this key segment of the American population in order to achieve political power.
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Bush and GOP Comparable to Deposed Vajpayee and BJP
Violence is integral to right wing politics, and wars and encounters are essential components of its strategy. This is as much true of the Hindutva forces as it is of the US establishment led by Bush.
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An ANC U-Turn, or the progressive consolidation of a majority left consensus?
Since the overwhelming April ANC election victory, government ministers have spoken with increasing confidence about the importance of an active and strategic public sector. The incoming Minister of Public Enterprises, cde Alec Erwin, for instance, has said categorically there will be no whole-sale privatisation of strategic public entities like Transnet, Eskom or Denel in the next five years.
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