The Fantasy of Fair Globalization
The world is witnessing, for the last several years, extensive resistance against the economic onslaught of the latest phase of capitalism on the common people, which is popularly known as neo-liberal globalization. Even many of those who welcomed the advent of this globalization as marking a progress for human well-being have turned into its critics and are crying halt to its rampages.
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Book Review: Keeping Up with the Dow Joneses, by Vijay Prashad
Much of what Vijay Prashad writes in Keeping Up with the Dow Joneses is not new, but is said with such clarity and precise insight that this little book will remain a useful resources for activists and teachers for years to come. Keeping Up may be accurately described as a reader on neo-liberal austerity and class warfare in the US.
War and Tax Cuts
More Americans have died in Iraq than in all U.S. military operations since Vietnam combined. Reserve and Guard members on extended duty in Iraq and Afghanistan have lost savings, homes and businesses. Now the Army is recalling thousands of honorably discharged soldiers who served less than eight years on active duty. Meanwhile, millionaires are getting tax breaks.
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