Message from Missouri: 'This is our country! Let's take it back!'
ST. LOUIS – Voters here in the Show Me State want George W. Bush to show them one good reason to give him four more years in the White House in the Nov. 2 election. Missouri labor and its allies have seen enough already and are working hard to 'show Bush the door in 2004.'
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The Bush Administration’s War on Women & Children
By now everybody knows that Martha Stewart has been sentenced to 5 months in prison for lying about a phone call. I think it was Jeffrey Toobin who said, 'The government has sent a clear message to all Americans. If you lie, you’re going to suffer the consequences.' Isn’t that just rich.
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Dim Coverage Given to Abortion-Ban Ruling
Coverage of the San Francisco ruling earlier this month on the abortion ban shows how the political polarization surrounding reproductive rights has invaded the supposedly impartial territory of journalism.
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