Obama Wins Big in the State of Strom Thurmond
Senator Obama won by 28-points over Senator Hillary Clinton with John Edwards receiving 18 percent of the vote in the South Carolina Democratic primary. And in his victory speech, Senator Obama continued to call for unity and action against those who believe that he is on mission impossible.

Obama Wins South Carolina Democratic Primary
US Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) rebounded from losses in New Hampshire, Michigan, and Nevada to win the South Carolina primary by a 28 percent margin Saturday.
John Edwards: A Look at the Man and the Message
In his bid for the Democratic nomination, John Edwards is campaigning to the left of front-runners Senators Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama on general domestic issues. By this, I mean that his most important theme is more than just the necessity for a popular movement for change.
Ideological Struggle and the Socialist Market Economy
In an article in the July 2007 Political Affairs, “Class Struggle in a Socialist Market Economy,” I attempted to illustrate the different form of class struggle that takes place in a socialist-oriented mixed economy with a strong capitalist component.
Positive Trends in the 2008 Presidential Race
Thus far in the campaign for the Presidential nomination, the media has, as usual, been focusing on the personalities of the various candidates, their hairstyles and their “experience” or lack of it, and of course any bickering they can foment between the candidates.
Voter Enthusiasm vs. Media Cynicism
While the race for the Democratic nomination for president has just begun, it's clear that the people, many of whom are first time participants in the process, are hungering for change and to put their mark on this election.
Press Needs to Refocus Campaign Coverage
Leading up to the New Hampshire primary, the storyline on the Democratic side was the disastrous state of the Clinton campaign. Her loss was a given; it seemed the only considerations were the margin of defeat and whether or not she would even continue running at all.

Compassion and Fight: The Personality of Dennis Kucinich
Dennis Kucinich can't get a fair shake, say his supporters. The media ignore him and the Democratic Party is unhappy with his insurgent candidacy.
Georgia Officials Split on Presidential Endorsements
With Georgia’s February 5, 2008, Presidential Primary Election quickly approaching, many of Georgia’s elected officials are finalizing their endorsements among the top Democratic candidates for President of the United States.

Kucinich Calls for Recount in New Hampshire
In a stump speech before an audience of more than 200 at the University of Detroit Friday, Rep. Dennis Kucinich called for a recount of electronic ballots from the New Hampshire Democratic primary.