Bush Speech Foreshadows End of his Presidency
In his final state of the union address, which his handlers touted as his last big effort to reclaim his legacy, George W. Bush repeated the same tired phrases and hackneyed platitudes he has often advanced as deep thinking and serious policy in the past.
Global Unemployment to Grow this Year says ILO
Economic turbulence largely due to credit market turmoil and rising oil prices could spur an increase in global unemployment by an estimated 5 million persons in 2008.

Declining Shark Populations
It’s true that humans do a lot more damage to shark populations than vice versa. Marine biologists report that sharks are in rapid decline around the world. In the North Atlantic Ocean, shark populations have declined more than 50 percent over the past 20 years alone, with some species now nearing extinction.
Humanity Most Vulnerable to Climate Change
World Health Organization General Director Margaret Chan said on Monday that humanity is the most vulnerable species threatened by climate change.
Book Review: Censored 2008
Censored 2008 includes many stories that will be a cause for concern for people the world over, such as the increasing US military presence in Africa, the neoliberal assault on India and the encroaching police state in the land of the brave.

Boycott of US Goods a Factor in the Economic Downturn?
One of the many contributing factors driving the U.S. economy’s sharp downturn is the anger of foreign consumers boycotting American brands over the Iraq war.
It’s not just many of the 1.5 billion Muslim consumers, either, that have quit buying Made in America.
Guantánamo as a Symbol
11 January marked the sixth year anniversary of the establishment of the Guantánamo detention camp. Mere months after the start of the 2001 United States invasion of Afghanistan, a large cargo plane landed in a US military base in Cuba's Guantánamo Bay.
Chávez Seeks Regional Food Production Project
Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez proposed Wednesday the establishment of a regional integration mechanism to meet food consumption needs of Latin America.
The Hands of Esau
A visitor from another planet, attending the press conference in Jerusalem, would find it hard not to answer: Olmert is the president of the great power, Bush is his vassal.

The Mercenary-Industrial Complex: Imperialism and Private Armies
What are the implications of recent increased use of mercenaries and private armies for the analysis of imperialism, forms of resistances and the alternatives for a transition to socialism under the extremely difficult conditions of the 21st century?