Senate Dems Promise Fight in Waning Days of Bush Presidency
On the heels of Bush's state of the union speech Jan. 28 in which he offered no serious new proposals for economic recovery or a change of course in Iraq, Senate Democrats are planning a huge confrontation with Bush on these issues.
Video: Democracy and the 2008 Elections
Sam Webb talks about the question of democracy and the 2008 elections. What does the Communist Party USA say about democracy? What is the CPUSA's opinion of the 2008 elections? What difference will the 2008 elections make?
Debate Cheating: The Whisper Was for Romney
Some of you may recall the powerful evidence in 2004 that George W. Bush was cheating in the debates by wearing an earpiece. The New York Times famously (well, at least somewhat famously) documented the evidence and then refused to print it.
Chavez Supporters and Opposition Commemorate Overthrow of Venezuela’s Last Dictatorship
Tens of thousands of government supporters turned out to official celebrations in the barrio 23 de Enero in Caracas Jan. 23 to commemorate 50 years since the civic-military uprising that overthrew US backed dictator Marcos Pérez Jiménez in 1958.

Detroit Exhibition Celebrates Paul Robeson's Life
Detroit, Mich. – An exhibition celebrating the life of Paul Robeson opened here last Saturday, Jan. 19, at Swords into Plowshares Peace Center and Gallery.
Positive Trends in the 2008 Presidential Race
Thus far in the campaign for the Presidential nomination, the media has, as usual, been focusing on the personalities of the various candidates, their hairstyles and their “experience” or lack of it, and of course any bickering they can foment between the candidates.

Council Committee Approves Oversight for Public Housing Demolitions
City Council of Atlanta today approved two bills offered by Councilwoman Felicia Moore, District 9, to codify their oversight role in the Atlanta Housing Authority’s mass eviction and demolition plans for all remaining public housing.
Voter Enthusiasm vs. Media Cynicism
While the race for the Democratic nomination for president has just begun, it's clear that the people, many of whom are first time participants in the process, are hungering for change and to put their mark on this election.

Michigan Public Lands Handed Over to Corporations
In March of 2007, hundreds of acres of land owned by the people of Emmet County in Michigan were taken out of the public-use domain and made available to for-profit enterprises.
Amnesty International Calls for U.S. to Close Guantánamo Prison
Amnesty International (AI) today called for the government of the United States to close the prison at the Guantánamo military base in Cuba and give the location of the 38 prisoners who are believed to be held in secret detention centers.