Olympic Sized Horror in Greece
You know it’s Olympic season in the USA because Playboy has unleashed its ‘Women of the Summer Games’ issue, where world class female athletes are seen performing pole vaults, long jumps, and backstrokes, completely in the air brushed buff. We are also getting bombarded with stories about how Athens is 'a city transformed' by the Olympic Midas touch.
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Bush accused of politicizing terror
Our enemies never stop thinking of new ways to harm our country and our people and neither do we,' said the United States president [sic] last week, totally unaware of his audience's muffled titter in response. This latest in a long series of amusing Bushisms smacks of reality for more and more Americans railing at the growing McCarthy type ambience within the country fuelled by the politics of fear.
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Surprise! Bush’s 2005 Budget Proposals Attack Working People
Bush is going after workers when they are hurting most. In a period of high unemployment, growing length of unemployment, cuts in wages and benefits, and increased job insecurity under globalization and outsourcing, working people need to know that there is a safety net that will not allow them to fall into dire poverty. Unfortunately for millions the far right has successfully led the push to shred that safety net over the last two decades, and now Bush, with his proposed onerous funding cuts in his 2005 budget for worker-related programs, is doing his level best to force workers out of the frying pan into the fire.
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The Venezuelan Referendum
Supporters of democracy should be watching Venezuela this weekend. Has respect for the rule of law and constitutional government truly taken root in Latin America or will traditional ruling elites and their backers in Washington bring us more of the same old 'respect for the electoral process, but only if you vote the way we want' you to vote?
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Carlyle's Way: F9/11 Target Explained
In one of the more ironic twists to come out of Fahrenheit 9/11, the Loews theater group, whose screens are currently showing the anti-Bush opus across the country, was recently bought by the Carlyle Group. The shadowy private investment firm is implicated by Moore as a key part of the insidious web that connects (or once connected) the Bush family to the Saudis, including the bin Laden family.
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An Empire of Torture
The scandal of British and United States soldiers torturing Iraqi people is growing and is getting worse by the minute and it won’t go away. Torture is not inflicted to individuals only, but it is also inflicted upon their families, their friends, and their communities and to society as a whole. It is a mark and a scar, which will stay there for many years, if not forever.
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Books on Bush
'THERE is nothing that bin Laden could have hoped for more than the American invasion and occupation of Iraq,' writes a senior serving CIA official with nearly 20 years' experience. Calling himself Anonymous, he recently published a damning critique of the policies of George Bush titled Imperial Hubris: Why The West Is Losing The War On Terror.
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Celebrating Pablo Neruda's Life
PABLO Neruda, poet, political activist and a simple human being was considered a legend in his lifetime and many think that after his death he got resurrected more like a living heroic figure that inspired one and all. García Márquez considers him the greatest poet of the 20th century.
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Cuban Olympic Baseball Team Shoots for Gold
Wounded in her pride, Cuba plans to go to the Olympic Games in Athens and re-conquer its baseball title, lost four years ago to its perennial rival, the United States, although the latter did not classify, and so will not provide the opportunity for a rematch.
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The Manchurian Candidate
The idea of government using advanced technology to control people has probably teased people’s collective imagination since before technology was even a word. Denzel Washington’s character thinks so in the new film, The Manchurian Candidate, about right-wingers at the highest levels of government posing as liberals to seize power, and using thought control to do it.
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