Sweating for the Olympics
Sportswear companies have negotiated $81 million worth of licenses from the International Olympic Committee, allowing them to adorn their products with the Olympic emblems. Behind the five inter-twined rings and the Athens 2004 kotinos laurel wreath insignia, hidden from the eyes of the world, non-union, underpaid labor will be sewing the shirts, gluing the shoes, and putting zippers to running suits and track apparel branded as Olympic in working conditions that would make even the most highly trained athlete sweat.
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Dump Bush movement says ‘we can do it’
John Kerry and John Edwards left the Democratic National Convention July 29 to barnstorm across the country, buoyed by ringing calls both inside and outside the convention for George W. Bush’s defeat as a menace to world peace and democracy.
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Swinging Votes in Missouri (in print)
The struggle to defeat Bush is a 'fight for the future.' That is according to the 1.6 million members of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU). SEIU is one of the largest, most militant unions in the country. Its national and local leadership is dedicated to organizing the unorganized, increasing rank and file participation, electing local, progressive, pro-labor candidates and ousting Bush in November.

Surprise! Bush’s 2005 Budget Proposals Attack Working People
Bush is going after workers when they are hurting most. In a period of high unemployment, growing length of unemployment, cuts in wages and benefits, and increased job insecurity under globalization and outsourcing, working people need to know that there is a safety net that will not allow them to fall into dire poverty. Unfortunately for millions the far right has successfully led the push to shred that safety net over the last two decades, and now Bush, with his proposed onerous funding cuts in his 2005 budget for worker-related programs, is doing his level best to force workers out of the frying pan into the fire.
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Report on Venezuela's Trade Union Situation
The government of President Hugo Chávez was swept to power in Venezuela, an oil-rich country in the northernmost part of South America, through democratic elections in 1999. Chávez's government identified the major problem in the country as being the fact that the country's vast oil wealth was not being used to alleviate poverty, as 80% of the country's 24 million inhabitants continued to be impoverished.
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