American Youth To Study Medicine in Cuba
Executive Director of Pastors for Peace, Rev. Lucius Walker, sent a letter this week to all American students enrolled in medical studies in Cuba informing them that the US government will allow the continuation of these scholarships, in spite of recent travel restrictions.
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Cuba and US to Cooperate on Anti-cancer Drug Research
ON July 15, and for the first time in 40 years, a cooperation agreement was signed by Cuban and U.S. companies for the transfer of biotechnological technology directed at developing vaccines against cancer. The agreement was signed between the CancerVax Corporation and the Center for Molecular Immunology at the International Conference Center in Havana.
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Chavez Wins Referendum! Viva!
President Hugo Chávez of Venezuela made democratic history today in a triumphant defeat of the recall referendum on his Presidency. After six years in office, in this recall referendum held on Sunday, August 15th, Chávez lead with a 58% majority. Voters clearly exercised their constitutional right to confirm the President in a historic referenda process.
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The Venezuelan Referendum
Supporters of democracy should be watching Venezuela this weekend. Has respect for the rule of law and constitutional government truly taken root in Latin America or will traditional ruling elites and their backers in Washington bring us more of the same old 'respect for the electoral process, but only if you vote the way we want' you to vote?
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Cuban Olympic Baseball Team Shoots for Gold
Wounded in her pride, Cuba plans to go to the Olympic Games in Athens and re-conquer its baseball title, lost four years ago to its perennial rival, the United States, although the latter did not classify, and so will not provide the opportunity for a rematch.
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Civil Society in Cuba? Indeed, and Socialist!
The process of revolutionary changes that the people of Cuba started since the triumphal events of 1959 provided a potential for solid, wide-ranging and representative citizens’ participation in all aspects of life. This type of civil society makes possible and guarantees the ways and means for direct participation by Cubans in debate, the submission of proposals and the adoption of decisions relating to all matters of interest to our nation, including its political life, economic development, foreign relations, distribution of wealth and the protection of national patrimony.
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Report on Venezuela's Trade Union Situation
The government of President Hugo Chávez was swept to power in Venezuela, an oil-rich country in the northernmost part of South America, through democratic elections in 1999. Chávez's government identified the major problem in the country as being the fact that the country's vast oil wealth was not being used to alleviate poverty, as 80% of the country's 24 million inhabitants continued to be impoverished.
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