

The Half-Baked Baker Carter Commission

So, Jimmy Carter and James Baker are sitting at a table, and Carter starts talking about the disastrous election of 2000 in Florida....


The legacy of Pope John Paul II

The media treatment of the passing of Pope John Paul II spoke volumes about the state of the media itself and the 'popular culture' it peddles.


Equal Pay Now

When George W. Bush campaigned for election in 2000, he said he believed that women ought to receive equal pay for equal work.


Voter Turnout High in Cuba's Municipal Elections

Preliminary results showed that 8 168 253 Cubans, 96.27 percent, exercised their right to vote Sunday in the municipal elections.


Wal-Mart’s Pay Gap

Wal-Mart company documents released April 15 reveal that CEO H. Lee Scott, Jr., made $17,543,739 in total compensation last year – nearly twice the average of $9.6 million for leading U.S. CEOs as a whole, according to Business Week.

Meat Packer's Union on the Chopping Block

The Tyson Fresh Meats beef slaughter and processing facility in Pasco, Washington is an industrial tower of Babel.


Workers' Wages Down, Corporate Profits Up

The economic news from last year points out again that working people, under this capitalist economic system, are having their living standards cut down while the corporate ruling class continues to live high on the hog.


Cuba, the UN Human Rights Commission and the OAS Race

Last Tuesday, at the 61st meeting of the UN Human Rights Commission in Geneva, the United States put forth a resolution on the situation of human rights in Cuba.


DINOs Outshining RINOs

For more than a decade we've heard about a political animal called the RINO (Republican in Name Only), but most species of RINO have become endangered or at least threatened.

Iraq: Focus on increase in kidnappings

Iraqi families are becoming increasingly concerned over a rise in kidnappings, where youngsters are being held for huge amounts of ransom money.

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