3-02-05, 10:16 am
Let's stop Social Security privatization in its tracks.
If enough members of Congress pledge now to oppose Social Security privatization, President Bush's proposal will be dead on arrival when it gets to Capitol Hill. Please take one minute now to urge your members of Congress to sign the Pledge to Strengthen Social Security and to oppose privatization proposals that would:
It's this simple: If enough members of Congress sign the pledge, President Bush's Social Security privatization plan can't survive. It won't be easy, but together we can do this. Your members of Congress were elected to work for you—tell them they must protect your retirement security by opposing privatization.
Keep watching your e-mail for news about which U.S. representatives and senators have signed the pledge and which need more pressure. Thank your members of Congress who pledge to fight for retirement security and demand that others do what's right for working families, too. In the coming weeks we'll also provide you a petition to circulate at work—to get even more constituents calling on your elected leaders to sign the pledge. We'll invite you to rallies in your area protesting Wall Street money managers that support privatization rather than the best interests of working families. And we'll get you plenty of resources you can use to educate co-workers about how dangerous Social Security privatization is to our retirement security.
But for now, please send your members of Congress a quick message urging them to sign the Pledge to Strengthen Social Security. It won't take more than a minute. Click this link:
And once you have signed, please click the following link to ask other working people to send the message as well:
Every one of us must act to stop privatization and strengthen Social Security because privatization would:
Let's stop privatization now. Click here:
Thanks for all you do for working families.
In solidarity,
Working Families e-Activist Network, AFL-CIO
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