US Forces Postponement of Security Council Vote on Darfur Crimes
A vote on a French resolution put before the UN Security Council to refer the crisis and war crimes in Darfur to the International Criminal Court (ICC) was postponed today until Thursday.
UN Commission on Human Rights Hears Testimony on Cuban Five
The case of the five Cuban patriots imprisoned in the US for fighting terrorism caused emotions and gestures of solidarity among delegates to the Geneva-based UN Human Rights Commission.
Venezuela's Chavez: “Oil is a Geopolitical Weapon”
Chavez’s recent conciliatory statements have brought little slack from Washington as the Bush administration’s harsh anti-Chavez rhetoric continues to boil over with splenetic utterances.
Bush Aggression Fuels UN Reform
US President George W. Bush´s aggressive policy ironically contributed to boost the movement in favor of reforming the UN.
Bush Administration to Block War Crimes Tribunal for Darfur Atrocities
Human rights organizations denounced the Bush administration's attempt to derail UN Security Council action on the human rights crisis in Darfur region of the Sudan last week.
China Aims for Peaceful Reunification
Enacting a law against secession has always been a legitimate move taken by a sovereign state in defense of its rights and it is a common international practice.
South American-Arab Summit Planned
Twenty-two Arab and 12 South American countries are discussing the agenda and the final declaration project of both regions' presidential summit, to be held in Brasilia, in May.
US Foreign Policy Double Standards
Condoleezza Rice's visit to Asia has encapsulated the single-minded hypocrisy of the George W Bush administration's foreign policy.
Over Objections, US Pushes Anti-Cuba Resolution at the HRC
This past weekend in Geneva, Switzerland, the Bush administration pressed on the UN Commission on Human Rights at its 61st session a draft resolution attacking Cuba.
Bush, Fox and Martin Meet in Texas
Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin and Mexican President Vicente Fox are meeting with President Bush at Baylor University and later at his Crawford, Texas ranch.