Sudan is neither prepared nor qualified to lead African summit

1-31-06, 8:54 am

The Sudanese Communist Party in the National Capital concerning the African Summit Conference held in Khartoum

First, we salute the African leaders as dear guests of the people of Sudan and we wish the Conference success.

These days, our country witnesses the convening of the African Union Summit Conference which is taking place in circumstances that are neither conducive nor appropriate. This is despite the intensive preparations and communications which the regime had undertaken and despite the unprecedented excess financing that is inconsistent with the modest means and abilities of our people;  a people desperately in need of funding for essential educational and health services, resolution of the problems of unemployment and pauperization. We consider that the timing of this Conference is inappropriate, for Sudan is neither prepared nor qualified to lead the Conference and is incapable of contributing the solutions for the continent's problems. This is due to the following:

1. The Government of Sudan is at the top of the list of states that sponsor and export terrorism;  and some of its leading elements are wanted by the International Court of Justice in The Hague;

2. El Bashir's Government supports and assists the extremist Arabicist-Islamicist political stream;

3. Sudan is in a state of conflict with neighboring countries (Chad, Eritrea, Central African Republic) and works to destabilize the situation in these countries.

4. The Government is a key party to and driving force behind the conflicts in Darfur as well as the east and it is unable and unwilling to seek the remedies demanded by the opposing political and armed forces.

For all these reasons, Sudan is ineligible and incapable of leading the Conference and the continent or to resolve its problems.   Additionally, there are a number of areas addressing the fundamental problems of the continent which we see missing from the Conference agenda, such as:

(a)    the problems of civil conflict and famine

(b)    increasing number of African countries coming under international oversight and protection

(c)    ineffectiveness of the African Union forces present in Sudan, leading to and creating the pretext for international interventions;

As we raise the alarm bells, we urge all honorable citizens of Sudan and Africa to be vigilant and careful; we urge them to take and regain the initiative on behalf of the people of Africa as well as their loyal national leadership in order to resolve the issues facing the country and the continent.

Sudanese Communist Party in the National Capital, 22/1/2006