Huge March Planned for Eve of Katrina Evictions
A march had been planned for February 28, the eve of the scheduled March 1 evictions of Hurricane Katrina victims.
African American History Month: The Fight Against Racism
Racism is not simply one group of people thinking badly about another...racism is not just an attitude, not just a feeling or a prejudice. Instead, racism is materially rooted in the institutional structures of our society.
Soldier Fears Retaliation for Civil Rights Complaint
A US soldier stationed in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) says he is being retaliated against for complaining when his superiors failed to fly the American Flag at half-mast in remembrance of civil rights leader Mrs. Coretta Scott King.

U.S. Supports Iran in Rejecting Gay Rights Organizations at the UN
The Bush administration recently went out of its way to support an Iranian initiative to deny access to gay and lesbian organizati ons within the United Nations.
APN Chats with US Rep McKinney on Katrina, Race, and Class
'As I pointed out in my remarks, the Hurricane Katrina was indiscriminate in both race and class in who it victimized. But the federal response wasn’t indiscriminate, and that’s the problem.'
Bush's Budget: Deadly Priorities
To pay for the increase in military spending, Bush has proposed potentially devastating cuts in funding to already under-funded social services.

Pride at Work Mourns Passing of Coretta Scott King
Pride at Work mourns the passing of Coretta Scott King, 78. Symbolizing the struggle for civil rights, to the end Ms. King fought for equity, access and justice for all.