Our union appears deeply divided – both locally and nationwide. We are held together by a common economic system – monopoly capitalism – which serves the interests of large corporations and banks at the expense of the vast majority of people, who are torn by class, ethnic and racial divides fueled by the government and the mass media. Five areas of daily life, not necessarily in order of importance, show how we have fared in the last four years and provide an estimate of just what the 'State of the Union' is in 2005.
First, the state of our health care system is steadily deteriorating. The spiraling cost of health insurance denies basic coverage to millions, and for millions of others, doesn't cover their major expenses. Over 43 million people are without any health care coverage at all. Drug prices are out of control due to the super profit driven policies of the big drug companies acting in collusion with lobbyists and 'our' elected representatives who sell us down the river for big contributions. The recent Republican 'Medicare Reform' is a boondoggle for the drug companies not a way to provide affordable prescription drugs to the elderly and chronically ill. By any measure, the state of the union with respect to health care is in terrible shape.
Second, the condition of housing in this country is also in deep decline. The government has cut back on housing programs for the poor and homelessness is on the increase. Programs around the country to keep rents stabilized are being attacked and eliminated. Yet, as with the problems with health care, millions of people continue to vote and support both local and national politicians who support policies that contribute to these declines. The left must find a way to get its message more widely disseminated.
Third, it is part of our national myth that we are a peace loving country and would never start a war without being attacked first – even if we have to stage the attack ourselves or make one up. We still find ourselves fighting in Iraq – an unjust and aggressive war waged to control the oil resources of the Middle East, a war cynically justified by our leaders by exploiting the events of 9/11. The nation finds itself – due to political leaders who betrayed their obligations to the people in order to pursue their own personal agendas – engaged in what the UN secretary general has called an illegal war under international law, and occupation which exposes us to ever increasing dangers of disastrous magnitude. Hostility towards Cuba and Venezuela is on the increase, as well as against the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. We are sending more troops to Colombia and have already staged a coup against the freely elected government of Haiti. Meanwhile, more evidence of the use of torture and illegal detentions and the violation of the Geneva Agreements is coming to light that goes beyond what we already know about with regard to Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo.
Fourth, in the last four years the gap between the income and ability to get health care, employment, and educational opportunities of white males and minority populations – Latinos, African Americans, Native Americans, women and others – has broadened and deepened. Attacks on abortion rights have increased, as have those on affirmative action and the rights of the gay and lesbian community. Compared to four years ago this is a nastier and more bigoted and divided country.
Five, the threat to the environment has increased during the last four years. Laws previously enacted to protect national parks, forests, preserves and wet lands have been repealed or modified to favor commercial interests and their rights to exploit and even destroy areas previously protected in the interest of the future health and preservation of natural areas. The endangered species act has been tampered with threatening the extinction of many species previously protected by law. Pollution laws have been weakened and the responsibility of corporate interests have been lessened – all to the detriment of the health and well being of the majority of the American people. The ultra-right has pushed through the 'Clear Skies' and 'Healthy Forests' acts which will result in dirtier skies and more atmospheric pollution, as well as unhealthy and materially depleted forests. The Kyoto Treaty still remains to be adopted by the US.
Besides these five areas there are many other issues where the last four years have produced either no improvement or actual decline. For example, right-wing religious fanatics, posing as Christians, have infiltrated the government and threaten not only to wage holy war against their opponents but also to beat down the constitutionally protected separation of church and state. This grave development puts at risk the democratic rights and civil liberties of all.
The deterioration of the quality of life and the disrespect by the authorities for their own laws (witness the mass illegal detention of protesters at the Republican convention) is seen in almost every community. Pick up your local newspaper – in almost every issue you can read about official misconduct from government officials, elected and appointed, with respect to welfare, day care, education, nursing homes, law enforcement, foster care, voter registration, civil rights enforcement – you name it.
Recently my local paper reported that in Connecticut the Republican governor had to resign due to corruption. State officials are also under investigation for taking thousands of dollars in 'gifts' from people doing business with the state. In New Jersey the poverty and social conditions are so bad that all 21 counties are now gang infested, with over 10,000 youth seeing no better way to live. The state’s homicide rate is rising as a result. And this is just one state!
Meanwhile, in New York, Samuel G. Freedman, who writes the 'On Education' column for the New York Times, reports that it looks like the State Board of Education has deliberately adopted policies to prevent the advancement of immigrant children, a shameful policy ('A State Test Seemingly Intended To Keep Able Students Behind,' NYT 10-13-04). The Republican mayor of Salt Lake County (Utah) dropped out of her reelection race after being brought up on charges (two felonies) of using public money for her personal use.
Finally, this litany about the decay and degeneration of our nation over the last four years could go on indefinitely. Check out the web page (www.usccr.gov) of the US Commission on Civil Rights, for example. There you can read the draft of a report titled 'Redefining Rights in America-The Civil Rights Record of the George W. Bush Administration, 2001-2004,' which the Republican commissioners wanted to prevent from being released to the public.
So, what is the State of the Union? Its in sad shape, and it is up to the left, allied with the broad people’s democratic movements to fight to improve it.