Our Battle for Democracy
In this last week of the campaign, we who fight against the Bush administration, the horror that we know, fight also to turn away from a reactionary past and begin to work directly for a civilized future. I say civilized rather than socialist or even progressive, because that is where this administration has led us.
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State of the Union: Before the Election (special issue)
Our union appears deeply divided – both locally and nationwide. We are held together by a common economic system – monopoly capitalism – which serves the interests of large corporations and banks at the expense of the vast majority of people, who are torn by class, ethnic and racial divides fueled by the government and the mass media.

Farce to Tragedy (special issue)
I wrote the following as a wild and crazy satire of events in the midst of the Clinton scandals. I reprint it here for a little levity at a dark and sinister time, when the Ralph Nader and various left-wing parties are spinning their own fantasies that 'Kerry is a greater danger than Bush' and that Bush’s return to power in 2004 will bring about the collapse of capitalism.
Cobb, Kerry and Nader
I was struck by two emails that came my way a few days ago. One was an endorsement of John Kerry by Winona LaDuke. The other was a press release from the N.Y. Independence Party announcing that, this coming week, Ralph Nader will 'campaign in the Black community with Independence Party leader and activist Dr. Lenora Fulani.'
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Election 2000 Recycled?
Despite the measures adopted and harsh attacks from the civil society, irregularities are mounting in terms of the upcoming U.S. elections on November 2, which could be a repeat of events four years ago. A report from the Electoral Reform Information Project, a bi-party organization, quotes various problems in these elections that could tarnish their transparency.
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Resist Republican Attacks on Voting Rights
Republican-engineered election irregularities are already surfacing across the country. Minnesota’s Republican governor issued terrorist warnings for polling place lines through his Department of Homeland Security. Republican Florida Governor Jeb Bush ignored warnings that errors with voter rolls needed to be corrected.
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Aspiring Right-wing Russian Dictator Endorses Bush
According to The Guardian, right-wing Russian leader Vladimir Putin, who has come under fire recently for instituting policies that pro-democracy critics have decried as a return to dictatorial methods of rule, lent his endorsement to George W. Bush for this year’s highly explosive and world historical presidential election.
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Bush and Cheney: Corrupt, Reprehensible, Seeking Your Vote
Shouldn't we be thinking of impeaching George W. Bush and Dick Cheney instead of running them for political office? These are two of the most corrupt politicians in U.S. history. We have factual proof they're serial liars. They've hoodwinked Congress and the American people into a war based on lies.
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Barbarian From the Rubble
Rudolph Giuliani unfortunately remains an ace in the hole for the Bush administration. We received a taste of this last March when John Ashcroft fell seriously ill, and Giuliani instantly appeared on the major TV news programs, grooming himself to become Ashcroft's obvious replacement. When incompetent CIA director George Tenet unexpectedly resigned, Giuliani's name immediately surfaced in the media as a possible permanent successor.
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The Most Important Battle of Our Lives (special issue)
As we meet here in Athens, the US is in the middle of a gigantic electoral contest. It is difficult to convey the fervor and intensity of this great fight. Some have compared it to the civil rights movement of the 1960s, others to the momentum behind the efforts to found the industrial unions in 30s, still others to the movement against the Vietnam war. But whatever the comparison, back home, it is seen as perhaps the greatest and most important battle of our lives.