Articles > September 2010
September 2010

Georgia WAND Lobbies US Sen. Isakson on US-Russia Treaty
Original source: The Atlanta Progressive News (APN) ATLANTA -- Activists from Georgia Women's Action for New Directions and other organizations have been lobbying US Sen. Johnny Isakson (R-GA), who sits on the Foreign Relations Committee, to vote yes on the new US-Russia START agreement.
Japan: 13,000 Women Discuss Peace and Environment
Original source: Akahata (Japan) About 13,000 women at the 56th Japan Mothers’ Congress held in Fukushima City in Fukushima Prefecture on August 29-30 discussed ways to ensure peace and a sound environment for all children.

Iraq: Troop Withdrawal and Political Impasse
Editor's note: The following interview with Salam Ali, a spokesperson for the Iraqi Communist Party, took place at the end of August 2010.