Articles > September 2010
September 2010
Michigan GOP Governor Ticket Favors Outsourcing, Privatization
The Republican candidate for governor in Michigan is "proud" of his record of outsourcing as an executive with Gateway Computers.

Action Needed to Create Clean Energy Jobs
Original source: Apollo Alliance In honor of Labor Day, and to address the ongoing national unemployment crisis, President Obama released a proposal on Monday to spur job creation through investment in America's transportation infrastructure.

Obama Rejects Tax Cuts for the Rich, Calls for Big Oil to Pay Fair Share
The President came out swinging in a major economic policy speech in Cleveland, Sept.

For Workers, Unions Are the Answer
Remarks by AFL-CIO Executive Vice President Arlene Holt Baker, Labor Lives United Conference, Miami, Florida September 04, 2010 I want to acknowledge all of you, and thank you for coming this morning.

March on Washington for Jobs & Freedom
March on Washington for Jobs & Freedom Dozens of protests planned for September 15 Reviving a core demand from the August 28, 1963 "March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom" Jobs with Justice is declaring a national "jobs emergency" and calling for Full and Fair Employment on September 15. It's time for corporate apologists in the Senate, who are blocking a recovery for the rest of us, to recognize what workers already know: we are in a jobs emergency that requires a bold, emergency response.
Why Capitalists are so Bullish about "Free" Trade
The benefits of trade were widely understood at a fundamental level even in ancient societies.