PNIC: 49 Palestinians Killed and 136 Injured by Israeli Attacks Last Week


GAZA, Palestine, July 13, 2006 (IPC) - - A recent report issued by the Palestinian National Information Center (PNIC) revealed that Israeli forces killed 49 Palestinians and injured 136 others in one week, including many civilians.

The report explained that Israeli forces used all its military arsenal in its offensive against the Palestinian people, causing enormous losses among them as well as damages to the infrastructure and properties.

The report also pointed out that Israeli forces carried out 67 raids, in which 97 Palestinians were arrested, 128 military roadblocks were established and 10 attacks by armed Israeli settlers were perpetrated.

PNIC's report further noted that there were dozens of other violations perpetrated by Israeli forces, including house raids, detention of citizens at military checkpoints, travel bans on border crossings and continued construction of the Israeli Apartheid Wall.

GAZA, Palestine, July 13, 2006 (IPC) - - A recent report issued by the Palestinian National Information Center (PNIC) revealed that Israeli forces killed 49 Palestinians and injured 136 others in one week, including many civilians.

The report explained that Israeli forces used all its military arsenal in its offensive against the Palestinian people, causing enormous losses among them as well as damages to the infrastructure and properties.

The report also pointed out that Israeli forces carried out 67 raids, in which 97 Palestinians were arrested, 128 military roadblocks were established and 10 attacks by armed Israeli settlers were perpetrated.

PNIC's report further noted that there were dozens of other violations perpetrated by Israeli forces, including house raids, detention of citizens at military checkpoints, travel bans on border crossings and continued construction of the Israeli Apartheid Wall.