Where Were You When They Took Your Rights Away?
Can you name the one country on earth where the government can steal elections, strip away basic rights, spy on citizens, and launch wars based on lies, but where the people do not take over the nation's capital in protest?
Who’s Got Your Tongue? What's Behind the English-only Campaign
Seizing any weapon with which to attack the growing movement for immigrant workers’ rights, the Republican Party and the right wing have found a new gripe: the recording of a Spanish-language version of the national anthem.

Conservatives and Conscience
Many Americans will tell you that it makes them uncomfortable to think of their president as a liar or a crook. Their need for authority figures extends to pretending that whoever is president is honest and good.
FEMA a Disaster for Freedom of the Press
The Federal Emergency Management Agency prohibits journalists from having unsupervised interviews with Hurricane Katrina victims who have been relocated to FEMA trailer parks, according to a report in the Baton Rouge Advocate.
A Nice Mess Our President Has Made for US
Indeed, as Israel, with Bush's blessing, expands its initial militaristic bullying of Gaza into a full-scale invasion of Lebanon...a version of Oliver Hardy’s famous line springs readily to mind: 'Well, here's another nice mess you've gotten us into.'
Machine Vote-Flipping Claimed in McKinney Primary
'You've got electronic voting machines. Many people called in and shared their concern. They pushed the button for Cynthia McKinney and Hank Johnson came up. It wasn't one time, it wasn't two times, it was many, many times.'
Venezuela Criticizes U.S. Efforts to Undermine Venezuela and Cuba
Venezuelan President Chavez and other high level government officials sharply criticized U.S. efforts to undermine both Venezuela and Cuba.
Choicepoint President Funds Secretary of State Candidate Scott Holcomb in Georgia
With the Georgia Primary for Secretary of State only days away, Atlanta Progressive News has learned Democratic Candidate Michael 'Scott' Holcomb has accepted campaign contributions from the President of Choicepoint Corporation and the President's wife.
US Congresswoman McKinney Meets Progressive Constituents at Film Screening
US Congresswoman McKinney (D-GA) wowed a progressive audience here at the packed Push Push Theater during a forum following a screening of the film 'American Blackout.' 'You are like a Malcolm X,' one audience member said.
The We the (Evangelical) People Act
In the wake of the Senate’s failure to approve a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage, conservatives are now coalescing around what amounts to their runner-up option. Various conservative and evangelical Christian organizations are now championing the “We the People Act.”