5-25-07, 9:20 am
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Diana Duarte 202-546-7961
New Light on Human Rights Abuses in Darfur Must Prompt U.S. Action at the UN
UN Human Rights Experts to Identify Measures to Improve Human Rights Situation in Darfur; Africa Action Stresses that a Protection Force Must be Deployed
Thursday, May 24, 2007 (Washington, DC) – As a group of United Nations (UN) human rights experts yesterday began to investigate the situation in Darfur and today will meet with the Sudanese government, Africa Action emphasized that the growing evidence of human rights abuses must prompt the swift deployment of a robust peacekeeping force.
As the month of May draws to a close, Africa Action underscored that the U.S. must use its brief remaining time as president of the UN Security Council to push Darfur to the forefront of the international community’s agenda. Africa Action also stressed that the deployment of a peacekeeping force is necessary to stop the violence against civilians and humanitarian operations, create stable conditions for peace negotiations, and facilitate the return of displaced people.
Nii Akuetteh, Executive Director of Africa Action, said today, “Reports of increased violence and government attacks on villages in Darfur have routinely emerged from UN sources, humanitarian agencies and others. The tactics of the Sudanese government against the people of Darfur are clear. So are the consequences of international inaction. It is disturbing that, during this U.S. presidency of the UN Security Council in May, U.S. representatives have failed to use this opportune political moment to mobilize adequate support for the deployment of peacekeepers.”
The team of human rights experts will provide a report of their observations to the UN and will push the Sudanese government to implement UN resolutions on Darfur. Africa Action highlighted that last year’s passage of UN Security Council Resolution 1706 authorized the deployment of UN peacekeepers with the mandate, command structure, resources and troop levels to protect vulnerable people in Darfur. The organization further stated that the immediate implementation of the terms of this resolution is crucial.
Reports from the UN Mission in Sudan indicated that new clashes between government and rebel forces erupted in North Darfur over the past weekend. In addition, attacks by Arab militias prompted civilians to flee their villages in South Darfur, further adding to the populations of camps for internally displaced people and increasing the strain on limited humanitarian aid.
For more information on Africa Action’s Campaign to Stop Genocide in Darfur, see http://www.africaaction.org/darfur.