McCarthyism threatens Michael Moore
Academy Award-winning filmmaker Michael Moore is under investigation by the U.S. Treasury Department for taking ailing Sept. 11 rescue workers to Cuba for a segment in his upcoming health-care documentary Sicko.

Israel: Olmert’s Last Friend – Thomas L. Friedman
The Prime Minster, the Defense Minister and the former Chief of Staff are still desperately trying to get out from under an avalanche of censure and condemnation that came down on them when the blue ribbon Winograd commission of inquiry gave the government and its leaders a failing grade for their performance during last summer’s war in Lebanon.

Atlanta: Housing Authority Has Ties to Real Estate, Construction, Banking
Atlanta Housing Authority’s (AHA) Board of Commissioners consists mostly of Members with ties to the real estate, construction, and banking industries.

Japan: Prime Minister Abe's 'Servile and Extraordinary' Support for Bush's War
Prime Minister Abe Shinzo visited Washington and held talks with U.S. President George W. Bush at Camp David on April 27. They met at a time when the U.S. Congress and media were increasingly critical of Abe’s remarks that “in a narrow sense” Japan had never coerced foreign women into wartime sex slavery.

Castro on Biofuels: The Debate Heats Up
Capitalism is preparing to perpetrate a massive euthanasia on the poor, and particularly on the poor of the South, since it is there that the greatest reserves of the earth's biomass required to produce biofuels are found.

Cindy Sheehan May Run for US Congress in 2008
Renowned antiwar activist Cindy Sheehan is considering a run for US Congress in 2008, Atlanta Progressive News has learned in the process of interviewing Sheehan about her upcoming rally in Washington, DC, this Mothers’ Day weekend.

Global warming, nuclear power: double trouble
In the 1960s radioactive gas emissions from nuclear plants caused public alarm. In 1973 the Three Mile Island plant in Pennsylvania, USA, suffered an extremely dangerous accident, and in 1982 the nuclear power station at Chernobyl in the Ukraine suffered a catastrophic 'meltdown,' surely the worst environmental accident in human history.
Group Urges UN Protection Force Deployed to Sudan
In the wake of renewed government aerial bombardments in North Darfur, reported yesterday by United Nations (UN) Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, Africa Action today stressed that civilians in Darfur remain acutely vulnerable to violent attacks in this ongoing genocide.

Aesthetic State Apparatuses
Previous art theory/history has taken certain routes to understand art that I think, always accidentally-on-purpose, bypasses the most crucial element that can make sense of it. This is the role of the Aesthetic State Apparatus (ASA).

Imperialism: The tragedy threatening our species
The former colonies or neocolonies that had been promised a glowing future after World War II had not yet awakened from the Bretton Woods dream. From top to bottom, the system had been designed for exploitation and plundering.