Articles > May
City Worker Bargaining Rights Under Seige in Silicon Valley
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Labor's Political Independence and the Stakes in the 2012 Election
Remarks by AFL-CIO President Richard L. Trumka, National Press Club, Washington, DCMay 20, 2011Good morning. Thank you all for joining me here, and thank you to the National Press Club for inviting me to speak.

The ILO Must Condemn U.S. Anti-Union Legislation
In the United States, we take for granted that private-sector employers welcome unions like they welcome an outbreak of the Black Death.

Union Prepares to "Stamp out Hunger"
In 10,000 cities and towns across the country this May 14th, the 300,000 members of the National Letter Carriers Association will be collecting tens of millions of pounds food to help the needy as part of its 19th annual "Stamp Out Hunger" food drive.To explain the urgency of the need, the union's president, Fredric V. Rolando, pointed to recent Department of Agriculture statistics measuring hunger in the United States."Those figures show that the number of Americans living in homes lacking sufficient food topped 50 million in 2009, with one in three of those - 17.2 million - a child," he pointed out."Sadly, that represents a 30 percent increase in just one year," he said.
China: Invisible Hand Not Enough to Ensure Fair Wages
Original source: Global Times Although China has increasingly grown rich in recent years, the distribution of wealth remains skewed.

“Cuts are nuts”: Penn. Labor and Allies Say Fund Schools, Close Tax Loopholes
Harrisburg May 3--Thousands of union members, education advocates and their allies packed the steps in front of the capital today to demand that Governor Tom Corbett humanize his budget proposals and stop his crusade to balance the Keystone State’s budget on the backs of its workers and its most vulnerable citizens.

May Day: San Jose Marches for Immigrant and Worker Rights
SAN JOSE, CA - 1MAY10 - Immigrants, workers, union members and community activists marched on May Day in San Jose. Marchers protested attacks on immigrants, unions and the rights of workers. The march was organized by the May First Coalition, part of a national network called May Day United. Many marchers were immigrants from Mexico and Central America, where May Day is celebrated as a workers' holiday every year. Some marchers called for support for the Dignity Campaign, a proposal for immigration reform based on labor and human rights.

Shoulder to Shoulder, Working Families March on May Day
Remarks by AFL-CIO President Richard L. Trumka, Wisconsin May Day Rally for Immigrant and Worker RightsMay 01, 2011