Articles > May

Michigan and the 2012 Elections
Because of Citizens United, a Supreme Court decision that basically eliminated disclosure laws and limits on much campaign spending, the Republicans are going to have an almost bottomless well of money during the 2012 election campaign for misleading TV attack ads through shady front groups.

Labor's Political Independence and the Stakes in the 2012 Election
Remarks by AFL-CIO President Richard L. Trumka, National Press Club, Washington, DCMay 20, 2011Good morning. Thank you all for joining me here, and thank you to the National Press Club for inviting me to speak.

Students of the World, Unite!
In England when Parliament attempted to nearly triple the cost of tuition for university students last year, thousands took to the streets in mass protest.

Trump Out, Romney In?
New Hampshire is where the race, or should I say snoozefest, for the Republican nomination begins.