Articles > June 2010
June 2010

2010 Elections: It Takes a Fight to Win
One key arena of struggle is the Congressional elections this fall.

Marriage Equality Summer
Marriage equality activists are refusing to let the pro-discrimination voices of the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) go unanswered this summer.
Dying for an iPad?
SAN FRANCISCO, CA - 17JUNE10 - Chinese immigrants and Chinese-Americans in San Francisco protest the long hours and bad conditions at the Foxconn factory in southern China, where the Apple iPad is manufactured.
Sanctions against China?
Once again, Paul Krugman is calling for sanctions against China.

Socialism and Sustainability: People and Nature Before Profits
Editor's note: The following is excerpted from a longer speech.

Coveting Riches on the Great Rare Earth Highway
Original source: Black Commemntator There is little doubt in my mind as to what prompted the sudden attention to the minerals beneath the ground in Afghanistan.

What Nixon's Nuke Plans for North Korea Say About Today
The National Security Archive, an academic, non-government research group, has acquired and released documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act concerning Nixon administration contingency plans to use nuclear weapons against North Korea in 1969.

Assessing the Obama Administration
President Obama is variously described as a Wall Street politician, a centrist, a Clintonian, a liberal, a progressive, and a "small d" democrat.

Economic Crisis, Financialization, and a New Model of Governance
The economic crisis is nearly two years old.
Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon: Righting a Perpetual Wrong
Finally, a parliamentary debate in Lebanon over the human rights of Palestinian refugees.