Articles > June 2010
June 2010
Sanctions against China?
Once again, Paul Krugman is calling for sanctions against China.

Socialism and Sustainability: People and Nature Before Profits
Editor's note: The following is excerpted from a longer speech.

Economic Crisis, Financialization, and a New Model of Governance
The economic crisis is nearly two years old.

Capitalism “Indian-style”
Original source: People's Democracy (India) To those fearful of any challenge to private property and the unbridled accumulation of capital, India’s recent growth experience serves as a new “model.” The evidence indicates that in most poor countries modern industry is unequal to the task of ensuring adequate employment to support the diversification of economic activity away from agriculture.

Global: Pressure on workers’ rights grows as crisis hits jobs
Original source: The Guardian (Australia) The ITUC’s (International Trade Union Congress) Annual Survey of Trade Union Rights has documented a dramatic increase in the number of trade unionists murdered in 2009, with 101 killings – an increase of 30 percent over the previous year.

Beware of the New Racist Counteroffensive
Many people say that racism is simply an attitude or a prejudice of one people toward another people.

From Financial Crisis to Job Crisis and Wage Depression
Original source: People's Democracy The structural crisis of the capitalist system, which had been worsening for decades, has now reached a point where it requires urgent attention in every region of the globe.

Fighting for Jobs Against Republican Obstructionism
Editor's note: Below is an excerpted and slightly edited portion of Sam Webb's main political report to the Communist Party's national convention held last month.

Chinese Workers Pushing for Unionization, Better Wages
The push for private labor unions raises questions Original Source: Global Times (China) Zhao Lianguo threw a cigarette to each of his nine laborers and said it was time for a 10-minute break.

Capitalism is Responsible for Environmental Deterioration
Capitalism cannot regulate and much less solve the current world crisis, in particular the ecological situation because to do so, it would require limiting riches and that option is unacceptable for a system whose objective is only money.