6-12-07, 10:05 am
Upon the invitation of the Palestinian People's Party (PPP) & the Israeli Communist Party (ICP), an international conference was held in East Jerusalem during the period 02 - 04 June 2007, to mark the 40th anniversary of the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories, and the 60th anniversary of the 1947 UN Partition Plan.
Twenty five international delegations and member of parliaments attended the conference from 12 countries throughout the world: Norway, Italy, Greece, Portugal, France, Cyprus, Germany, Australia, Britain, India, Denmark and U.S.A. They represented 20 different political and social organizations.
On the first day, the delegations had a tour around the Apartheid Wall being built around Jerusalem and the surrounding neighborhoods. They met with representatives of popular committees and municipal councils in the suburbs of Jerusalem. They also met with Israeli peace activists in West Jerusalem.
On the second day, the delegations headed for Ramallah and visited the tomb of the late President Yasser Arafat. They also met with the heads of PLC factions. In the afternoon hours, the delegations had a meeting with national and social figures in Ramallah, and in the evening hours, had a tour in East Jerusalem.
On the third day, a closed meeting was held between the delegations and representatives of the Palestinian People's Party, the Israeli Communist Party & the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). Lengthy and deep discussions took place on ways of strengthening and enhancing solidarity with the Palestinian people and launching an international campaign with the aim of achieving this ultimate goal.
During the meeting, participants highlighted the importance of holding such activity at least once a year in Jerusalem, and organizing similar activities in other countries of the world, including an international day against the apartheid wall. A joint statement was issued expressing solidarity with the Palestinian people, and for the establishment of a just peace based on Israel's full withdrawal from the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT) and full compliance with the UN resolutions pertaining to the Palestinian territories.
In the afternoon, a general meeting was held at the Notre Dam Hotel in East Jerusalem. This place was chosen because it is located on the border line between East and West Jerusalem. Several speeches and interventions were delivered by national and social figures. The delegations also had the opportunity to directly address the Palestinian and Israeli public who was attending the event.
The conference received a large number of letters of regards from several parties throughout the world.
Following is the full text of the statement:
================================ Statement
We, participants at the international meeting in Jerusalem, express our solidarity with the Palestinian people and with all peace loving, anti-occupation and anti-settlement forces, in Israel and all around the world, in their struggle for a just Israeli-Palestinian peace based on ending the occupation and establishing an independent Palestinian state all over the land occupied in 1967.
We demand that Israel, the U.S.A, the EU, and all states unjustly besieging Palestine lift their siege immediately. This siege exacerbates the deteriorating conditions of the Palestinian people, causes catastrophic effects on the Palestinian economy, deprives Palestinians of food and medicine, causes mass unemployment and poverty, and prevents any economic or social development, eventually destroying the prospect of building an independent Palestinian state.
We strongly support the right of the Palestinian people to elect their government and all institutions without any external intervention.
We demand all governments in the world to recognize the Palestinian national unity government maintain normal relations with it and allow it to function to serve the interests of the Palestinian people.
We reject the plan to establish a Palestinian state within temporary borders and consider that another destructive effort to postpone the final agreement that would put an end to Israel's ongoing occupation of the Palestinian territories since June 1967.
We stress on the responsibility of the permanent members of the UN Security Council and other countries to obtain Israel's implementation of international law and all UN relevant resolutions.
The Arab Peace Initiative, which has been adopted by all Arab states - if implemented as it stands, comprises the basic elements of a comprehensive peace in the Middle East and between Israel and all the Arab states. We, participants at the international meeting in Jerusalem, will continue to make every effort to pressure the government of Israel to negotiate with the PLO in order to achieve a comprehensive and just peace agreement according to the following principles:
Ending the Israeli occupation; the complete dismantling of all settlements; removing the Apartheid Wall; establishing the June 4th, 1967 boundaries as a peaceful border between the state of Israel and the Palestinian state; East Jerusalem is the capital of the Palestinian state; the co-existence of the capitals of Israel and Palestine in Jerusalem; the release of all Palestinian political prisoners; and a solution to the refugee problem in compliance with the UN resolution no. (194).
This peace plan has been the historical plan of both the ICP & PPP for decades. It has also been accepted by the UN, the Arab League, and the international community. It is a plan, which has not been put into action so far, in spite of the fact that the principle of a two state solution was introduced by the UN General Assembly 60 years ago. This Peace Plan represents the hope for ending repression and the bloodshed, and the beginning of an era of a lasting peace.
Palestinian People's Party Palestine Communist Party of Israel, Israel Communist Party of Greece, Greece Communist Party of India-Marxist, India Communist Refoundation Party, Italy Communist Party of Britain, United Kingdom Communist Party of USA, United States Democratic Social Perspective, Australia European Left Party, Europe French Communist Party, France Party of the Italian Communists, Italy Portuguese Communist Party, Portugal Progressive Party of Working People, AKEL, Cyprus Red-Green Alliance, Denmark Socialist Left Party Norway
International Organizations
Federation of Greek Women, Greece General Trade Union of India, India Italian Social Movement, Italy Movement of Women- POGO, Cyprus Norwegian association of NGO's, Norway Portuguese Council for Peace, Portugal World Peace Council
Member of Parliaments
Agot Valle, Norwegian Parliament Georgios Tousass, European Parliament Jorge Mechado, Portuguese Parliament Michael Leutert, German Parliament Sitaram Yechuri, Indian Parliament