Japan: U.S. Demands 100 New Facilities at Iwakuni Base
Taking advantage of the Japan-U.S. agreement that Japan will pay for U.S. military realignment costs, the U.S. forces want to have Japan construct as many new facilities as possible.

Chinese President Hu Jintao Outlines China's Development
Chinese President Hu Jintao on Monday once again stressed the importance of implementing the scientific concept of development, promoting social harmony and building an overall well-off society, ahead of the 17th national congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) later this year.

SDF must immediately stop illegal surveillance of citizens’ activities: JCP rally
The Japanese Communist Party on June 14 held an assembly in Tokyo protesting the unconstitutional and illegal activities of the Self-Defense Forces monitoring citizens’ activities that the JCP had revealed recently.

Australia: Howard Government Knew About Torture and Rendition
On Monday evening last week, a documentary news program went to air on the Australian Broadcast Corporation containing material of a sort that used to bring down governments or at least cause some of their ministers and senior public servants to fall on their swords.

Japan: Military monitored peace movement
Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo said the JCP obtained copies of Ground Self-Defense Force’s internal documents showing that a GSDF unit has illegally gathered information on the activities of ordinary citizens as well as popular movements and opposition parties, including the JCP.

Japan: Self-Defense Forces Prepare to Fight in Bush's Wars
The Liberal Democratic, Komei, and Democratic parties used their majority at the House of Councilors plenary session on June 1 to enact a Self-Defense Forces Law revision bill to establish the Central Readiness Regiment in the Ground SDF Central Readiness Group that was established late March.

Japan: Opposition to lifting restrictions on U.S. beef imports
The World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) at its general session held in Paris on May 22 adopted a resolution categorizing the United States as a “controlled risk” for BSE [aka mad cow disease].