3-07-05, 3:52 pm
Cuba Pays Tribute to Chilean Revolutionary Gladys Marin
Havana, Mar 7 (Prensa Latina) Shocked by the death of Gladys Marin, president of the Chilean Communist Party, Cubans remember today the constant expressions of friendship and solidarity from that outstanding revolutionary with the island.
Although for the hour difference, it was not published by the morning papers, the sad news was immediately broadcast by local radio and TV and spread among the people that attentively followed the health situation of the tenacious fighter.
Radio and TV broadcasts inserted obituaries on the death of Marin. Passages of her life and notes on her special relationship with president Fidel Castro and many other idea colleagues in Cuba.
One of the archive materials screened by local TV shows the Cuban president when he publicly appreciated the Chilean leader as “a great revolutionary, an excellent human being.”
Another video reproduced part of the ceremony during which the tenacious fighter, in March 2004, was awarded the Order Jose Marti, the highest recognition given by the Cuban state.
The documentary film reproduced fragments of the appraisal made of the Chilean revolutionary by member of the Political Buro of the Cuban Communist Party, Jose Ramon Balaguer.
“Dear comrade Gladys, thank you for being an exemplary communist, for all the expressions of support and love that we have always received from you and your Party, for being consistently loyal to the cause of the humble and destitute,” said Balaguer on that occasion.
The TV newscast also ran segments of a documentary by Estela Bravo in which Gladys Marin remembres her dialogues with Fidel Castro.
“If he were not so human, Fidel would not have been able to resist all these years of heroic struggle and blockade...Fidel has that force because he is tremendously human, for his relation with people,” said then the president of the Chilean Communist Party.
The press ítems highlight that until her physical strength allowed, Marin kept on fighting for justice and vindicating the victims of the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet.
She was the incarnation of stoicism, audacity and commitment, sustain articles and chronicles which assert Marin will be a paradigm for revolutionaries of all times.
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