1-17-06, 8:34 am
The federal election campaign is entering the final stretch to voting day. While the outcome is still very much in doubt, it appears increasingly likely that Canadians will be facing another minority government situation after January 23. There is a growing danger that the balance of forces may shift further to the right, unless the momentum of the Harper Conservatives can be reversed.
For its part, the Communist Party and our 21 candidates across the country will do everything possible to expose the Tories’ reactionary, pro-U.S. and anti-working class agenda that lies below their slickly packaged and thoroughly deceitful campaign posturing.
Regardless of the outcome, it is clear that the main battleground – to save Medicare, to oppose the gutting and privatization of public services, to defend Canadian sovereignty, and to oppose imperialist aggression and war – will once again shift to the extra-parliamentary arena.
During this campaign, the Communists are bringing forward a comprehensive platform – a People’s Alternative – to help develop the fightback of labour and the people’s movements and to raise social awareness of the need for a fundamental alternative to the neoliberalism, capitalist globalization, and imperialist war.
We invite you to find out more about the Communist Party’s platform. We invite you to visit our website – – and check out our special election section.
We would also invite you to help our Party however you can – by volunteering to help one of our campaigns, by raising some of our Party’s ideas and demands in your local press and at all-candidates meetings, and/or by donating to our election fund.
We face a long and arduous struggle to reverse the tide, and to build the kind of class and democratic unity necessary to secure real change. But we are confident that through our combined efforts our goal of peace, democracy and socialism is attainable.
With warmest regards, Miguel Figueroa Leader Communist Party of Canada