The Alito Stakes
The Democrats are fighting among themselves whether to sustain a filibuster against the Alito nomination, which all progressive forces in the U.S. should demand that they carry forward in the most militant way. Progressives also should make clear that a filibuster must be carried forward.

From the Katrina Disaster to Health Care Opportunity
The enemies of people’s health care are wealthy and powerful, but they have utterly failed to deliver adequate health services via the market system.

War Against Reason: The “Intelligent Design” Scam
In November 2005, the first significant legal challenge involving the so-called “intelligent design” [ID] theory of creationism wrapped up in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Court arguments in Kitzmiller et al. v. Dover Area School District lasted 22 days, and involved a challenge by 11 parents who oppose the teaching of “intelligent design.”
The Death Penalty in the United States
As someone who has for years been a faculty advisor to a group at Rutgers campaigning for a death penalty moratorium, I was very happy that New Jersey's legislature had the courage to establish a death penalty moratorium.
Report: Atlanta Mayor Leads Anti-Homeless Trend
'There is a conspiracy among mayors since they hear the Mayor of Atlanta has outlawed panhandling,' Michael Stoops, Executive Director of the National Coalition of the Homeless (NCH), said in a press conference, January 11, 2006.
The American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) is asking the Department of Justice to open a criminal investigation into the Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) efforts to use funds appropriated for the Veterans Health Administration to pay for the conduct of expensive outsourcing studies that set the stage for the elimination of federal jobs.
Science vs. Fundamentalism and the Year 2005
AS 2005 closes and 2006 opens, we find that scientific outlook against Christian fundamentalism has made an important gain with the rejection of intelligent design theory by an US court. At the same time, it also suffered a serious reverse as Hwang Woo-Suk’s research on therapeutic cloning was found to be fabricated.
Another 'Brownie' in the Making
Last week President Bush took advantage of Congress’ holiday recess to appoint Ellen Sauerbrey as the Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees and Migration (PRM). The Senate had stalled on approving her nomination because Ms. Sauerbrey has no experience.
National Lawyers Guild Opposes Alito Nomination
The National Lawyers Guild reiterated its opposition to Judge Samuel Alito’s nomination to the Supreme Court today and said that the ABA decision declaring Alito “qualified” for the position did not address the most significant questions before the Senate.
Alito’s Credibility Gap
Senate hearings on the nomination of Judge Samuel Alito to the US Supreme Court are scheduled to begin next week. Critics of President Bush's nomination of Alito say that Alito is an activist judge whose opinions are motivated by right-wing ideology rather than concern for the Constitution and legal precedent.