What can be done to avoid looming economic crisis
Economic disaster is looming in Katrina's wake. Key government indicators show that job losses and inflation are spiking while real wages are falling. Economic stagnation was the hallmark of the Bush-Republican economy prior to the hurricane, but the ensuing catastrophe has exposed major underlying weaknesses.

CP of Israel Calls for Freedom for Occupation Refusers
Alex Cohn, Wissam Qablan, Orwa Zidan and Shaul Mograbi-Berger are currently in military prison for their refusal, on grounds of conscientious objection, to serve the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories.
Human Development Report 2005 Emphasizes Unsustainable Nature Of Imperialist-Globalisation
THE Human Development Report (HDR) 2005, released this week, has placed India on a Human Development Index (HDI) ranking at 127 out of total 177 countries. This was the same position that India held last year. During the BJP-led NDA’s rule, India had slipped from a ranking of 121 to 124 and then further to 127.
NIGER: Food crisis drives young women to sell their bodies
Finding enough to eat is a problem every lean season in landlocked Niger, ranked last of 177 countries in the UN’s human development index for 2005..Millions of families have lost their livestock, their livelihoods, their every survival mechanism. For these young women, survival can be found in the city streets at night.
Cuba Denounces Capture of UN Summit Objective
[Ricardo Alarcón, Pres. Cuban Parliament] reiterated the eight Millenium Development Goals, which were supposed to be mostly achieved by year 2015 and which he termed modest, including to wipe out extreme poverty and hunger, achieve universal primary education and promote gender equality... Very little has been done to achieve them and in some of them there has even been a backward step.
Liar, Liar: What if George Bush could only tell the truth, like Jim Carrey's movie character?
Compelled to tell the truth, Bush’s oration would have captured the reality of the situation in New Orleans, and of life for the poor and working class in an America dominated by a wealthy aristocracy:
Japan: JCP statement on general election results
The JCP in the general election secured the 9 seats it had previously held. It received 4.92 million votes in the proportional representation section. The number is larger than that in the previous general election although the JCP's share of votes decreased. The results show that the JCP put up a good fight.
Wild West sheriffs
WAR criminal Tony Blair joined his fellow destroyers of civilian life George Bush and Vladimir Putin at the United Nations to demand unified international action against terrorism.